
Account not in this store
Account not in this store

account not in this store

Step 1: Type Edit group policy in Start menu or taskbar search box and then press Enter key to open Local Group Policy Editor.

account not in this store

We will try to add a workaround for users on Home edition once we manage to block Microsoft accounts via Registry. Note: Since Local Group Policy Editor is not available in the Home edition of Windows 10, this guide is limited to Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise editions. How to block or disable Microsoft account in Windows 10: Windows 10 includes a provision under Group Policy to block Microsoft accounts and one can enable this policy to block or disable Microsoft accounts in Windows 10.įor those who are curious, you will be able to install apps from the Store even after disabling or blocking Microsoft account. Yes, those of you who prefer a local account to Microsoft account will be glad to know that you can disable or block Microsoft accounts in Windows 10.

Account not in this store